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Students In Productions.
Christmas Story narrated by Nutcracker and commented by Olga D.
What can be better than singing beautiful Christmas Carols for your friends and neighbors?
Of course, to visit me, the beloved Christmas show – ballet Nutcracker by P.Tchaikovsky!
But what a wonderful Christmas season you have if you are singing Carols as a part of the great Nutcracker show of Cleveland Ballet, and all city is your friends and neighbors!
Students In Productions register online.
This photo of the public coming for the show has been made from the Carolers place in the Foyer. Their vocal task was challenging, but they could attract the people to stop, listen, and many wanted to join singing-O.D.
Your schoolmates come to watch you singing wonderful Christmas music…
…your name is listed in the program…
…beautiful ballerinas are listening to your caroling…
..and posing for a great picture with you…
…volunteers from the public are asking -please, please!-to sing with you beloved Silent Night…
Yes, there is Dr. Dorota Sobieska herself, the Artistic Director of Cleveland Opera, who stopped by and has been listening to your caroling! Great honor from a significant name in musical Cleveland!
After your introduction, you have to run to change after you finish your Introduction- greeting for coming public with beloved Carols like Carol of the Bells, Joy To The World, Little Drummer Boy, and Deck The Hall. Your next performance is the vocal part for my magic Waltz of Snowflakes. You sing right in front of the stage (photo made at the dress rehearsal) and then run back to your place in Foyer for Intermission and Recession.
In our waiting room, children pulled the beautiful light blue Snowflakes Waltz Singers robe on top of their Carolers costumes. Long waiting for the call on stage for singing about 2.5 minutes a difficult vocalize with sustaining A flat 5 – O.D
My singers went to their place below the stage in the darkness and stood right in a step from the first row…
They must know the score very well and start singing at the right moment. The light has been turned on them with the first note.
Children were allowed to look at the stage at the rehearsal, where those pictures were taken, so new singers do (2019). You can see tiny but experienced Alex on the right side of the stage, not looking at the scene – he knows the show very well. The singers must stand motionless and concentrate on the complex score during the production. I got a lot of good feedback from professionals and the general public.-O.D.
Cleveland Ballet for my Nutcracker production in Hanna Theatre has created a unique atmosphere of Christmas traditions. Legendary Cleveland Gray – an independent volunteer militia organized in 1837 – has been represented in the Foyer. It is such fun and a great memory to take a picture with famous Gray Soldiers!
Carolers with Cleveland Gray in 2017, 2018, and 2019.
Toy Maker’s shops brought a mysterious charm of Christmas to the Foyer, and you can buy unforgettable souvenirs.
…you can do your homework in the Singer’s room between your performances …
Have an excellent time drinking our Christmas tea with Christmas donuts hanging in the Singers’ room with parents joining.
To have this fantastic pleasure and experience, you should be a vocal student in Olga’s Music Studio, practice for a few months to sing Carols, a capella, and difficult Waltz of the Snowflakes. To share the stage with adult professionals, you have to reach a strict requirement for voice production, be able to sing without a conductor, clear and strong, in front of a hall full of people, and step off the first row of the public.
In the photo on the left, there is the rehearsal for seven production shows in 2017. Alex Cosma was my tuner for all groups for his seven years! On the right photo, there is a rehearsal for 12 shows production in 2019. Alex is still leading and helping! -O.D.
Every season, you should pass auditions with the Artistic Director, Ms.Guadalupe, and the CEO of Cleveland Ballet, Dr. Krasnyansky…
Photos of auditions for seasons 2017 and 2019 in Hanna Theatre Foyer
You also must be disciplined, take care of your voice, and remember that show starts and ends with you!
For three consecutive years, Olga’s Music Studio’s Carolers proudly greeted arriving public in Introduction, entertained in Intermission, sang mysterious Waltz of Snowflakes in the hall, and ended Nutcracker shows singing Recession in Hanna Theatre. 7 shows in 2017, 9 shows in 2018 and 12 shows in 2019. A great way to taste a profession and enjoy the unique, kind, wise, and charming Christmas gift from Cleveland Ballet to all Clevelanders.
Our majestic procession down the stairs 30 or 40 minutes before the start was the unique beginning of the show. In the photos, left to right, there are processions in 2017, 2018, and 2019.
Since 2021 Cleveland Ballet has performed in Playhouse Square with the great renewed Nutcracker without life singers, but I miss the cozy and mysterious Christmas atmosphere of Hanna Theatre…
Life sometimes surprises- may it be a Christmas gift from a mysterious Nutcracker?

– the ability to sound from the stage without amplification;
– beautiful and robust operatic voice;
– endurance to bring their entire role in shows with orchestra or instrumental ensemble;
Ability to build and bring the character to the audience. Historically students of XVII-XVIII centuries Italian conservatories- orphanages participated in church services, concerts, and opera shows, bringing money to their institutionю Twelve-year-old Anna Gotlieb sang in the premiere of Mozart’s Nozze di Figaro as Barbarina.
The tradition has not been interrupted in modern times.
Many boys and girls successfully perform in Gian-Carlo Menotti’s opera Amahl and the Night Visitors, where the primary role of Amahl is written for a child singer.
Gaining popularity of classical repertoire and classical training for children with famous TV shows such as AGT is beautiful; however, performing on an actual operatic stage and repertoire is different.
First of all, it is the requirement for a robust and beautiful voice that can reach an audience in a large hall through the orchestra and sound beautiful and expressive. Another difficulty is delivering a character to the public, communicating with partners, physically enduring the rehearsals and shows, and simply memorizing extensive musical material.
Students of Olga’s Music Studio have sung so far for productions of Cleveland Opera Theatre, Cleveland Ballet, Brecksville Community Theatre, Blue Streak Ensemble, and Opera in Italian Garden, performing roles solo and in ensembles. They have been accepted for production by Cleveland Opera (former Lyric Opera) 2020/21.
Operatic and Oratorio performance

Maya Ciurcel,11, as Amahl in 2019 production.

Maya passed brightly during this three-day-in-row performing marathon for difficult Menotti’s role. I carefully tuned her voice every day to keep her on a healthy and beautiful sound. And, of course, she knows the score skillfully, so it was a pleasure to watch her happily playing in front of the public- the sign of true professionalism. Many thanks to Cleveland Opera Theater, which does not prohibit videotaping at this production and benefits City Mission. Maya donated her checks from Cleveland Opera Theater to City Mission. Here are a few videos from the last show I publicized on my channel OlgaDruz.
The opera’s final scene is the third day of three days marathon. I like the mastery with which Maya is singing the farewell duet with the Mother:
Brecksville Community Theatre
In 2018 Hannah Elmwood, my adult student sang as Johanna in the Sweeney Todd production of Brecksville Communion Theatre.
Blue Streak Ensemble:

In 2018 Polina was invited to sing G.Rossini La Danza again.

Beautiful moms and children in their first dress room and first applauses on the theatre stage.
On April 2,017, Nicholas Oita performed H.Purcell’s song a capella as Young Mechanic. In the photo Nicholas with me and his parents after the show in Ohio State Theatre where his performance got a lot of applauses.
For the Benefit Concert Gardens of Talents in 2017, Polina, Caprice, and Nicholas prepared new programs. Polina and Nicholas have been singing with Cleveland Ballet dancers.
For three consecutive years, 2017, 2018, and 2019, Olga’s Music Studio provided young Carolers in the Foyer of Hanna Theatre, and in 2018 and 2019 also the vocalists for the Snowflakes Waltz. In 2017 there were seven shows. In 2018 there were nine, and in 2019 there were 12. Students were singing in the Foyer Introduction before the show, Intermission between acts, and Recession after the performance a capella for about 70-75 minutes. They changed for the Waltz of Snowflakes and after ran to the Foyer for the Intermission. I brought my keyboard and carefully tuned voices before each show. None of the voices was injured. Students run back to the lessons the next day after the last show, fresh and energetic!

Cleveland Opera:
In 2020 three students passed the audition for Cleveland Opera production (former Lyric Opera), another opera company in Cleveland. According to the quarantine restrictions, students of Evangeline Rahimov,8, Alex Cosma, 9, and Brianna Bogdan, 16, were accepted for 2020/2021 and will participate in productions when possible.
What can be better than singing beautiful Christmas Carols for your friends and neighbors?